Before and After

Emperor's Silk

Emperor's Silk
This a bright pure red like the red silk lining of a jacket; because of the way it looks we love it used as a interior of a cupboard or drawer. It is named after the red of China

French bedside table
Emperor's Silk painted with texture, with first clear then dark wax applied in parts. Inside the drawer, Aubusson Blue

ADD WHITE- to make 'Frangipani'
Add equal parts of Old White and Emperor's Silk to make a bright strong exotic flowery pink with a zing, so I've called it FRANGIPANI

ADD MORE WHITE- to make 'Malacca'
Add 3 parts of Emperor's Silk to 1 part of Old White to make a pink I call MALACCA because it reminds me of pinks from Indonesia

Emperors Silk Colour Progresssion
Adding Old White in 1 part, 2 parts, 3 parts and 4 parts to lighten and bring out the true hue of the colour

Colour combinations
Graphite over Emperor's Silk allowing the red to glow through is a way to give paintwork an exotic eastern look

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